The Managing Director of Kandy graphics Mr.Upali D. Seneviratne presented the award in the gold category by the President of BID Business initiative Directions, Jose E.Peieto. The presentation took place during the closing ceremony of the international Arch of Europe Convention held at the hotel intercontinental in Frankfurt. It was attended by representative from the realm of cultural activities, the business world and the diplomatic corps.

Upon coming forward to receive the award, Mr. Upali D. Seneviratne was given a round of applause from an audience made up of leaders in different business activities in their countries. Had gathered on the common ground of a search for quality improvement.

The international Arch of Europe award selection criteria is based on principles of the TQM, currently utilized in companies from over 100 countries and distributed under the name QC100. the 100 points of quality cover areas starting with customer satisfaction and continuing in sections related to communication, relation ship, benchmarking, human resources, information analysis, decision making, continuous training, definition of systems and processes and business results.

During the award presentation the recipients were congratulated by all the participants who share appreciation for the efforts made and the business performance levels required to expand and have continued success.

SINCE 1986
For exemplary services in the field of business development central province. This award has been presented to Upali Daya Seneviratne as SUNFO Graduation and awards presentation ceremony for the commemoration of United Nations special observances,

• 2001 – 2010 international decade for a culture of peace and Non-Violence for the children of the world,
• 21- 27 March international day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,
• 21-27 March week of solidarity with the peoples struggling against racism and racial discrimination,

Held on 20th March 2004, at the BMICH, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka of full human potential.

Sri Lanka –United Nations friendship organization (SUNFO).